Folate (also referred to as vitamin B9) is an essential dietary supplement for women who may become pregnant, and plays an essential role in DNA synthesis, protein digestion, red blood cell development and more. While inadequate folate intake is rare among adults of childbearing age, pregnant and childbearing women are particularly at risk for not receiving sufficient folate intake.

Public Foundations of Health has recommended that pregnant and nursing mothers require 600 micrograms (mcg) daily of folate for optimal gestational health; breastfeeding women require 500mcg; any remaining adults need 400 mcg. According to Shahzadi Devje, M.Sc., RD owner of Desilicious RD; it can help protect against severe birth problems including neural tube deserts in early gestation; this phenomenon often begins forming within the first month, before many mothers even know they’re pregnant so all female potential pregnancies should aim for 600mc daily doses daily of folate in preconceptional health during gestation.
Kale is an amazing source of folate, but you don’t need to devour an enormous kale salad every lunch time in order to meet your daily requirement for folate. Though just three ounces of beef liver (the ideal source) will bring you close to meeting the suggested daily intake, not everyone needs liver and onions for lunch every day. Devje and other health care providers suggest taking pre-birth nutrients in order to meet daily consumption targets (it’s always wise to check with your PCP before beginning any new supplement regimen). However, that does not preclude you from also getting it through food; indeed there are numerous delicious sources of folate such as beans and shellfish as well as locally produced bread that contain folate. Below are 10 delicious sources of folate.
1. Spinach
Although kale often gets all of the attention, spinach is actually one of the best plant-based sources of folate, providing 22% and 33% respectively of what pregnant women should consume each day and adult consumers respectively. Dr. Lisa Youngful of At Long Last Full At Last Thin fame as well as being an assistant teacher of nutrition at New York College suggests eating spinach salad topped off with nuts to get maximum folate absorption. Furthermore, spinach provides nonheme iron as well as vitamins An and C – another powerhouse powerhouse!
2. Bread

Because folate is essential to fetal development, many grain products are fortified with folate, according to Youthful. Though it’s best not to solely depend on grocery store bread for your folate needs, one slice does contain 50 micrograms which is equal to 8 percent of what pregnant mothers need daily and 12 percent for other adults – meaning one sandwich could bring you 4 percent of your daily needs (and whole-wheat bread is also an incredible source!).
3. Breakfast Cereal
Just like bread, breakfast cereal contains folate-rich grains during processing. If you want to increase your folate intake, one serving of most breakfast grains provides 100 micrograms (mcg). That amounts to 17% of a pregnant woman’s daily needs and 25% for other adults. Choose one with high fiber and low sugar levels, pairing it with low-fat milk will add 12 additional micrograms.
4. Black-Eyed Peas
Black-Eyed Peas “Black-eyed peas, or cowpeas, are delectable little vegetables that can be enjoyed hot or cold,” according to Devje. Each half cup provides 105 micrograms of folate (17% of RDA for pregnant ladies; 26% of RDA for adults), making this food versatile in its preparation and enjoyment. Devje enjoys them in a hearty curry made with rich spices and finished off with tart lemon and fresh cilantro to get his daily folate intake while cooking them all in a warm pan!” he says.
5. Asparagus

Asparagus is an impressive source of folate, providing 15-18% of your folate needs if pregnant and 22-22 of nonpregnant individuals respectively. “Cooking vegetables on a sheet tray is one way we use as a busy family to increase vegetable consumption,” Devje says. Additionally, broiling is a great way to enhance their natural flavour: simply coat with olive oil, salt and pepper before broiling at 400 degrees until cooked – you’ll gain additional potassium, thiamin and Vitamin An or C too.
6. Brussels Sprouts
When winter hits, make a switch from asparagus to hearty Brussels sprouts for optimal nutrition. Each half cup provides pregnant mothers with 13% of their daily folate requirements and other adults 20%. (But let’s face it: once cooked properly, who can consume only half a cup?) “These cruciferous vegetables also contain fiber, vitamin C and cancer protection agents,” according to Devje; you can either serve them raw on salad plates or sear them until crisped up around the edges – either way will work just as well!
7. White Rice
Although white rice contains folate, which provides 15% (90 mcg) of your daily requirements if pregnant and 22% if not pregnant. Since white rice does not offer as many fiber and mineral-rich vegetables like brown or earthy colored grains do, eating it alongside plenty of vegetable-rich sauteed food plans that meet this goal would be ideal.
8. Avocado

Need one more reason to enjoy avocado every day? A half cup (cut) will provide 59 mcg of folate – 10% if pregnant and 15% otherwise! Plus it provides potassium, fiber and unsaturated fat! You are sure to come up with your own ways of using this incredible organic product that also contains many other healthful nutrients!
9. Green Peas
Green Peas Green peas are an easy, nutritious staple to add to any diet. Not only are they convenient and fast-cooking frozen options, they’re an incredible source of folate (47mcg per half-cup serving for pregnant mothers and 12 for nonpregnant ones!), as well as zinc and cancer preventative agents; plus you can incorporate them into just about every dish from pasta salad to stew!
10. Crab

Crab Cake Lovers Can Rejoice chaudiere This sweet shellfish boasts 39 micrograms of folate per 3 ounces, providing approximately 9 percent of what most adults require daily. Crab also makes an excellent pregnancy food (if its smell doesn’t bother you!), providing 6 percent of f folate you need daily during gestation.