Although managing blood sugar may appear daunting at first, if you avoid some of the more common errors you’ll have a much easier time keeping it within healthy range.
Blood sugar management is key for overall health in numerous ways. Our bodies rely on glucose from food we eat as an energy source to fuel organs, muscles and sensory system functions. Achieving optimal blood sugar levels requires finding a middle ground between low blood sugar and excessively high levels

Although blood sugar management may primarily be associated with risk of diabetes, adjusted levels also help manage energy, cognitive capacity and disposition (for more on this subject please read up on diabetes here). It has also been demonstrated to play an integral part in weight management, chemical functioning and long-term risk of metabolic disorders and cancerous tumors.
Below are a few common missteps people make when trying to manage their blood sugar and ways to become healthier.
1. Focusing Solely On Calories
By simply counting calories, it may seem as if you are losing sight of the overall plan for maintaining balance in protein, fat and starch intake to help regulate your blood sugar. Fat and protein have an antidote for this phenomenon: when we eat carbohydrates (like grains, beans, natural products, veggies and lactose) they break down rapidly into glucose. Fat can act as a buffer against this rapid breakdown process to facilitate slower breakdown and stabilized blood sugar. Make the most out of every bite with our morning meal salad (shown above) by including vegetables, carbohydrates, protein and fat in one balanced plateful. Complex carbs contain additional fiber for more nourishment as well as helping regulate your blood sugar levels more evenly – regardless of calorie counting efforts! Strive to achieve balance regardless of any potential weight concerns.
2. Holding Back On Protein
Reducing Protein Do you find yourself hungry and grumpy shortly after eating? Perhaps more protein could be in order. Protein helps prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar by slowing digestion of meals or snacks; sources include meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy items as well as plant sources like beans nuts seeds and meat substitutes. Aim to include 15-30 grams in each meal (with 5-10 grams being ideal as snacks)! Here are 10 high-protein snacks to help keep you feeling full:
3. Not Getting Sufficient Fiber
if you don’t get 25-35 grams of fiber each day, you could be missing out on its many health benefits (here are 10 amazing advantages of eating more fiber). Fiber helps slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, helping you achieve blood sugar control. Look for whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, lentils organic products and vegetables for coverage; be sure to include one high-fiber food at each meal – these 10 food sources contain more than an apple!
4. Fearing Fat
Although fat may contain more calories than carbohydrates and proteins (one gram of fat contains nine, while both give four), it can still help in managing blood sugar. Fat can ease stomach issues related to digestion while helping bring down levels of blooding sugar. Include olive oil, avocados and nuts among your daily nutrition for best results and seek out fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines as sources.
5. Overlooking Hidden Sources Of Added Sugar
Reducing obvious sources of added sugars like treats is crucial to managing blood sugar, but you might still struggle with glucose control if you overlook hidden sources like yogurt, canned soup, frozen dinners and various ingredients (these hidden sugar sources could even be lurking in your kitchen!). Check food and ingredient labels–remembering that sugar has many names–to see where sugar lurks! Just be wary not to overindulge in sugar substitutes–while they may contain less calories and have a lesser glycemic response- they can have social impacts that make people crave certain forms of pleasure–so use cautiously!
6. Not Working Out
Exercise into their blood sugar management strategies offers many advantages. New York endocrinologist Dr. Rocio Salas-Whalen states, “Exercise increases insulin sensitivity by moving sugar into muscle cells for capacity.” As your muscles contract during physical activity, glucose may enter your cells for use as energy whether or not there is insulin available. This can help lower blooding sugar temporarily and, she notes, given that increased insulin responsiveness depends heavily upon length and depth of physical activity, consistent movement can also lower A1C test levels (an A1C test measures your average monthly blood sugar).
Are You Wondering Which Activity Will Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels Best? Dr. Marc Sandberg, MD, FACP,CDE of Hunterdon Clinical Center recommends weight-bearing and high impact workouts as the “Best Ways To” Lower Weight And Regulate Glycemia”. When starting to exercise for weight reduction or glucose regulation purposes, consulting your primary care doctor and working with an accredited mentor are great resources (here are a few ways you can exercise safely when living with Diabetes.) If new to fitness training it’s important that newcomers consult with their primary care doctor while beginning safe practices to ensure success if starting off right! If new to fitness training, here are a few things to keep in mind when starting off safely when starting to exercise!). If new to exercise or training, make sure you consult both forms before embarking upon any physical activities, consult your primary care doctor as soon as possible and start off safely (here are some tips for practicing safely when exercising when managing Diabetes). If starting off safely when practicing safely (here are some tips from him/her).
7. Holding Back On Sleep
Dr. Todd Nebesio of Riley Kids’ Health and Indiana College Health notes that recent studies indicate a correlation between less sleep and higher blood sugars as the body becomes less sensitive to insulin.
Sleep deprivation can also increase hunger. According to Dr. Salas-Whalen, difficulties sleeping are linked with changes in craving and can alter yearning directing chemicals such as leptin and ghrelin which makes us less aware when we’re full and can make us crave food more frequently than necessary. Aim for seven to eight hours of quality restful sleep each night by creating a personalized sleeping regimen designed specifically for you.
8. Not Dealing With Stress
“Stress often leads to higher blood sugars,” according to Dr. Nebesio. While some of this may be related to ineffective stress relief methods like turning to sugary snacks or liquor as ways of alleviating tension, chemical substances also play a part.
Dr. Sandberg points out, “Rising levels of stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline can elevate blood sugars and cause loss of glucose control as these levels directly correlate with our bodies’ capacity to manage glucose.
Dr. Salas-Whalen notes that many misunderstand stress as being exclusively an emotional matter; often manifesting itself through feelings of unease, distress or sorrow. Yet stress can manifest itself physically, nutritively and synthetically too – thus warranting an all-encompassing approach and seeking assistance for relief. Make a plan and get help.