Common Myths About Bladder Infections

Contrary to what people commonly believe, cranberry juice doesn’t really help with bladder infections. Bladder infections can be very painful and primarily affect women. It’s often said that all women will experience a bladder infection at least once in their lives. However, there are many misconceptions about bladder infections, and this article aims to debunk some of them.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection

A bladder infection, also known as cystitis, is usually caused by a bacterial infection in the bladder. Symptoms typically include pain while urinating, increased frequency of urination, pelvic pain, and cloudy or bloody urine. The good news is that bladder infections are easily treatable and can be eliminated relatively easily. Now, let’s address some common myths about bladder infections. Here are the facts:

1. It Only Affects Women

While it is true that women are more susceptible to bladder infections because they have shorter urinary tracts compared to men, it doesn’t mean that men cannot get a bladder infection. So the myth that only women can get bladder infections is false.

2.If You Wash Your Vulva With Soap, Youโ€™re Less Likely To Get It

Washing your vulva with soap prevents bladder infections: This is untrue and can actually be harmful. Washing the vulva with soap can disrupt the natural pH and bacterial balance in the vagina, making you more prone to infections. It’s best to simply wash the vulva with water and avoid using scented products or wipes. Your body can keep itself clean without extra assistance.

3. Sexual Intercourse Increases The Risk

Bladder infections are not contagious, so you can’t transmit them to others through sexual activity. However, during sex, bacteria can be pushed into the urinary tract, which may contribute to a bladder infection. But it’s important to note that sexual intercourse is not the sole cause of bladder infections. Dehydration, holding urine for extended periods, and certain medical conditions like diabetes can also increase the risk. Using a condom can help reduce the chances of infection, but it’s important to avoid condoms with spermicide, as they can actually increase the risk of bladder infections.

4. Cranberry juice

Unfortunately, drinking a lot of cranberry juice won’t speed up the recovery from a bladder infection. This myth is quite popular, and you may have received recommendations to drink cranberry juice when dealing with a bladder infection. However, according to Dr. Andrew Vallance-Owen, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

5. ย It Is Caused By The Cold

It is caused by the cold: This is another common myth. You may have been advised to dress warmly to avoid bladder infections. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. However, there is some truth to it. In colder temperatures, your pelvic muscles may not function as effectively as they do in warmer weather, leading to incomplete emptying of the bladder. Residual urine can promote bacterial growth and potentially result in an infection.


source image : unsplash