Adherence to an exercise routine can be challenging. With many deterrents such as time, fatigue, wounds and self-confidence standing in your way – but these shouldn’t stop you! There are effective techniques available that can help combating typical barriers to fitness.

1. I don’t Have Enough Time To Exercise
Finding time to exercise can be challenging, so use creativity to maximize the use of your time.
Short strolls throughout the day. Even if you don’t have time for full exercises, any movement counts for something. Even short bursts of exercise such as going for short stroll breaks at various points in the day provide benefits; try gradually increasing this to about 30 minutes on most days of the week.
Rise and shine early. If your days are hectic and evening hours full, try getting up 30 minutes earlier several times each week so you can set aside 30 minutes to exercise before work or school begins. When adjusting to early-morning exercise practices, add another 15-minute block into daily workout routine.
Get out of your car more often – park at the back line of a parking garage or several squares away and walk to your destination.
Revamp your Saturday traditions. Your weekly early show with children or your dearest companion could become something like a bicycle ride, rock-climbing demonstration or pool trip instead.
2. I Think Exercise Is Exhausting
Exercise may become tiresome over time if done alone; however, exercise doesn’t need to be tedious or taxing.
Choose exercises you enjoy to keep yourself engaged – whatever gets you moving counts!
Switch up your routine. Varying activities — such as walking, swimming and cycling — will keep you alert while building different muscle groups.
Make it fun. Exercising with friends, family members, neighbors or collaborators offers additional camaraderie and support from others in the group.
Unlearn old habits while learning something new – explore different options available to you by attending exercise classes or sports associations at an amusement community or gym.
3. I’m Hesitant With Regards To What I look like
Remind yourself that your cardiovascular wellbeing is increasing or focus on how much better grounded you feel after participating in exercise.
Stay away from groups. If you find it uncomfortable exercising with others, start practicing by yourself right away. Try an exercise video or computer game, or invest in equipment like a fixed bike, treadmill, step climbing machine or other home fitness products.
Focus on what lies ahead. Acknowledging yourself for making a commitment to your wellness, and remembering that as you get stronger and enjoy working out more, fearlessness will likely increase too.
4. I’m Too Tired To Exercise After Work
No energy to exercise? Without physical movement, your energy level will drop and vice versa – it’s a vicious cycle! Breaking that cycle with physical movement could be your greatest gift to yourself – as well as helping improve rest quality and energy levels over time.
Be intentional about starting your morning right. Recall how we discussed getting up 30 minutes earlier so we could exercise? Jump on a treadmill or fixed bike while listening to radio programs or watching morning news coverage; or explore outdoors for an energetic walk.
Make the most of lunch. Keep some strolling shoes at work, and take an energetic walk during your mid-day break.
Be prepared. Make sure that you bring suitable footwear and loose fitting garments for working out when traveling or shopping centers. Take them with you!
5. I’m Too Apathetic To Even Consider Working Out
If the prospect of running early morning leaves you overwhelmed, consider these plans to kick-start yourself into action.
Set realistic expectations. Setting goals that are too lofty will only lead to disappointment and willful withdrawal. Instead, begin with a stroll around the square; don’t give up when feeling exhausted – simply go again tomorrow for another stroll and soon enough you won’t even feel fatigued anymore!
Work with your temperament rather than against it. Plan physical activity at times when you tend to feel more energetic or not so lethargic.
Plan physical exercise like you would plan a major project. Set aside times and spaces in your schedule for physical movement and make sure your loved ones know about their responsibility to provide comfort and assistance.