I don’t tend to set resolutions. Last January was about as far as it got for me; no specific goals have been set since. While calorie counting may have helped, my goal in 2019 is not necessarily drastic changes or weight reduction – rather I see this new year as an opportunity to take control of my health by creating healthier routines and habits.
A healthy lifestyle encompasses more than what’s on your plate; it encompasses how you move your body, feel about yourself, mingle, rest and manage accounts – not to mention any possible goals that might help with weight reduction such as restrictive dieting plans or weight-reduction surgeries. According to registered dietitians like myself, here are five achievable health goals to set for 2022:
1. Try Meditation

There are so many compelling reasons to give meditation a try this year. Meditation can help with relieving tension, developing focus and even decreasing risk of Alzheimer’s. Plus it tends to be completely free. You could try MyLife app for guided reflections or mobile contemplation using our easy guide – taking some time this new year for self-care can set the foundation for an exciting and healthier year ahead both mentally and emotionally!
2. Find A Sort Of Activity You Really Love
Of course, making exercise part of your lifestyle may seem like an obvious goal for this year, yet you shouldn’t view exercise as something you need to accomplish – rather than seeing exercise as something to complete, consider exploring various types of movement until you find something you truly enjoy and anticipate – yoga, dancing, lifting weights, swimming or walking could all be great forms of movement (and may help reduce dementia risk as well). Making movement part of what makes you happy could even help you sneak in extra physical activity without realizing it – talk about an added perk! Choosing fun ways of moving will help get more exercise without acknowledgment – talk about a shared benefit!
3. Plan Ordinary Social Time
Humans are inherently social creatures; yet many of us may have fallen off our usual social schedules during this past year and change (myself included). To ensure we stay socialized as humans, planning regular social timetables should become part of your routine (including me!). Spending regular social time is vital to feeling supported and maintaining strong bonds with those we care for, leading to longer lives and healthier aging overall. It may mean reserving one night a week where all members of a family sit around the dinner table together (or more frequently, if possible), or having at least one date per month with someone outside your immediate circle (whether physical, virtual, phone calls or video calls). Be intentional this year about scheduling social time into your calendar!
4. Adhere To A Rest And Wake Plan
Rest is crucial in many ways, which you likely understand if you haven’t been getting enough. Acquiring enough sleep can do much more than boost our energy levels; it can also aid with healthy safe capacity, develop heart health and even make skin care healthier. Although advice to improve our rest can differ between individuals, most agree on certain aspects of it.
Assimilating sleep and awakening at the same time will help maximize restful zzz’s. If you need an extra push, try setting an iPhone’s Sleep Time setting or other notifications and alerts as a wake up alarm at an hour that suits your personal preferences. Updates or standard alarms also work effectively as additional wakeup alarms.
5. Drink More Water

As one of your goals this year, why not aim to drink more water by carrying around a reusable water bottle wherever possible. Doing this will make drinking water natural and effortless throughout the day without realizing it – leading to improved brain health, heart health and kidney capacity while simultaneously supporting furthering overall wellness this year. It’s a simple yet cost-free method of improving overall wellness this year.
6. Eliminate Screen Time
Reduce screen time We all likely have an affinity/aversion relationship with our phones. While they are immensely powerful and beneficial tools, too much screen time can lead to stress and distraction. Have you fallen prey to doomscrolling like I have? Instagram browsing becomes far too addictive when suddenly 30 minutes have gone by without notice and an overwhelming amount of data has been consumed. For both children and adults, keeping screen time under control offers many advantages. Studies have linked media use with increased feelings of anxiety, increased fear, heightened tension and bitterness. To help cut back, this year try setting notifications in applications to remind you to put down your phone and step away for a break every hour or two. You could even set your telephone up so it gives screen time reports so you can monitor your progress over time.
7. Keep A Diary
One effective strategy for becoming more present this year is starting a diary. While this might sound intimidating at first, you truly can create whatever type of journal suits your needs best. My diaries have been my life’s source of comfort for most of my adulthood (considering I write professionally). Sometimes they serve as an outlet to vent feelings or simply record what happened at dinner time; other times they simply provide information like what time dinner started or ended. Everyday, however, I try to include at least one thing I am grateful for even on days that might not have gone as smoothly; taking the time to reflect and practice appreciation can do wonders to your outlook for 2019.
8. Set A Practical Spending Plan … And Stick To It
As a recovering graduate student, my finances are somewhat constrained. Without careful monitoring of spending habits, expenses can often surprise me and add undue strain. Accounts can cause stress for anyone regardless of your situation and additional time could even increase anxiety levels and coronary disease risk. Therefore, set an explicit (yet flexible) budget plan and stick to it diligently – some stress is inevitable but aim to limit its effects by planning to minimize financial worries.
9. Eat More Vegetables

Reducing carbs and setting new goals are no doubt trendy and important steps, but why limit yourself? Make a healthier eating change by increasing vegetable consumption. Vegetables are versatile in flavor and function and can easily fit into every meal from breakfast through supper – not only are they packed full of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they’re also beneficial against inflammation, lower risk for chronic illness, improve circulation tension levels, protect brain function and many more things. Simply adding a side plate of mixed greens every day will contribute immensely towards meeting daily consumption goals!
10. Plan For Time To Rest
Chances are, if you have read this far in this article, chances are you’re like me and constantly add things to your personal and professional plans for each day. I encourage you to set aside some time this year just to rest – no matter how inconvenient it may seem – setting aside some effort just not doing anything could help us all relax more effectively; going 100 miles an hour could eventually lead to stress and burnout so it is essential that we take some time off now rather than later! Relaxation doesn’t need be seen as punishment but more as an integral component of self care that takes great pride in looking after ourselves!