Diets like keto and Atkins slims down have unfortunately given carbs an unfair reputation, yet I love carbs as an enrolled dietitian! Carbs provide our brains with energy during the day; therefore I won’t give up pasta or bread any time soon. Also like other food sources that contain carbohydrates there may be other healthy benefits like fiber protein etc that keep our bodies working optimally so there are certain carb-rich food sources worth adding to our plate; here are six super healthy carb-rich options you should include on your plate:
1. Entire Grains
While the concept of whole grains may seem complex, its principles are actually quite straightforward. All grains start life as whole grains containing three parts that make up each seed or portion: wheat, microorganism and endosperm. Wheat and microbe provide essential fiber, nutrients and proteins while endosperm is mostly composed of carbs; when grains are refined however, their wheat and microbe components are taken out, which means their nutritional needs have been drastically diminished and endosperm becomes their sole source of nutrition.

Entire grains deserve to have a place on every person’s plate for many reasons. Packed with fiber and essential supplements (B vitamins, iron, magnesium and cell reinforcements), whole grains help prevent persistent conditions like diabetes and disease while keeping you feeling more full for longer thanks to protein, fiber and healthy fats – these foods include brown rice, quinoa, oats, whole grain bread or popcorn for increasing intake!
2. Fruit
Fruit can provide us with an opportunity to pause and consider their sugar content, yet there is an enormous distinction in how naturally occurring (such as organic product sugars ) and added sugar affect our bodies differently. Natural products contain sugars in natural form that are better digested by our bodies due to fiber and supplements present, avoiding sudden glucose spikes (and subsequent crashes) caused by added sugars. Associating natural sugars such as those found in fruit with reduced overall consumption of sugar may also help. Therefore, don’t feel bad the next time you crave an apple as a snack or layer your oatmeal with some berries; incorporating more natural product can have many health advantages that include maintaining weight balance, improving heart wellbeing and protecting against chronic diseases.
3. Nonstarchy Vegetables
When it comes to vegetables, more is always better. Not only can vegetables taste wonderful and be versatile in everyday cooking and meals, they offer numerous health advantages as well. Their fiber content can aid with furthering glucose control, managing weight and lowering diabetes risks while their cell reinforcements may reduce malignancy risk and inflammation while improving mind wellbeing – just to name a few benefits of regular vegetable consumption! We could continue on forever about why vegetables deserve their place on your daily meal – regardless of carb count – eating from all colors helps provide maximum value with every purchase!
4. Starchy Vegetables
Let us start by clarifying: potatoes and corn are both vegetables. Other, less spectacularly starchy veggies shouldn’t be avoided just because they contain higher carb counts. Potatoes contain fiber, potassium and vitamin C as well as some protein to give them real resilience – in particular those colored purple or yam varieties contain additional cell protective agents! Corn offers similar health benefits. In conclusion, all kinds of boring veggies deserve their place on your plate if they provide delicious nutritional benefits!
5. Vegetables
we love vegetables! Beans, chickpeas and lentils all play an integral part in the vegetable family – from budget-conscious budgeters to eco-conscious producers – making these versatile plants both affordable and deliciously nutritive! Vegetables contain carbohydrates that provide us with energy, but their nutritional benefits go well beyond this. Vegetables offer vegetarian and vegan-friendly protein sources to anyone trying to adopt a plant-based eating routine. These foods contain plenty of dietary fiber to assist with improved processing and stomach wellbeing, plus many essential supplements and cancer-prevention agents. Vegetables offer numerous health advantages, and more studies emerge every month on why eating more veggies should become part of your eating habits. There’s plenty of research supporting their efficacy: lower disease risks, aid weight loss, improve heart health and circulatory pressure reduction and manage diabetes (or reduce its risks if already diagnosed). From snacking on hummus to adding lentils into salads – and much more! – there are numerous tasty ways you can incorporate more super-healthy carb food sources into your everyday diet.
6. Dairy
Dairy With so many varieties of dairy available on store shelves, it can be confusing determining what constitutes healthy options. But as long as lactose intolerance or bigotry aren’t an issue for you, no need to stress over indulging in dairy consumption. Dairy offers many of the same essential nutrients found in other forms of milk products, with calcium, vitamin B12, potassium and protein all making an appearance. Lactose provides a naturally occurring source of carbohydrates and sugars found within milk products. Similar to organic produce, dairy contains protein, healthy fats and other supplements which slow the processing of carbs to avoid an unexpected rise in glucose. Furthermore, dairy is essential in helping build and maintain strong bones, muscles and other bodily structures; no need to exclude this healthy carb food from your eating plan!