Animals Not Happy With Photos : Capturing photos of wildlife can be immensely satisfying, giving you a chance to admire nature while photographing remarkable creatures. Some animals seem to relish being captured on camera, posing for their moment of fame, while other prefer remaining concealed and will try their hardest not to let a photographer record them – these images display some great animal shots where their presence did not bother them and instead attempted to stop the photographer taking pictures by blocking the lens with their bodies or tails, often producing hilarious results!
1. Courageous Squirrel!

Never before have we witnessed such an unwavering commitment by a squirrel to remain still for extended periods, which must indicate there are snacks inside. While normally these animals tend to scurry away quickly after taking a bite from something tasty in a bag, this particular squirrel was perched atop his photographer’s rucksack while taking pictures – an inspiring lesson from someone who managed to capture an image of one sitting on their head: that with hard work and dedication anything is achievable.
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2. Bad Camera!

A lion may have acquired a camera. Although we do not know for certain whether the lion and camera are one and the same, it appears as though this wild beast is teaching itself how to use this apparatus, likely after witnessing humans do it firsthand. Similar to 1984 where other creatures gained new skills after witnessing how lions took pictures. Soon enough our animal friends will join us inside instead.
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3. Take A Look Here!

Sometimes having someone there to take great photos can help make all the difference in getting a great image. When this photographer discovered a meerkat clan on his journey, he knew they would make for an excellent background for his shot – unfortunately though they weren’t particularly enthusiastic about posing.
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Thankfully, the issue was quickly solved when another meerkat came forward to offer assistance. Now the companion meerkat can gesture towards their family, so they can decide whether or not they want a proper photo for their Christmas cards.
Foxes seem to take particular pleasure in amusing photographers more than any other animal.
4. A Fox Of A Different Color

Why foxes seem drawn to cameras is still unknown, yet this particular specimen had an intriguing approach: instead of approaching directly, he came from behind and appeared to be planning something funny.
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What will the photographer do now? Ideally, someone would have offered assistance – an attentive friend surely would.
5. Excuse Me, But You’re Standing On My Back

Are Standing On My BackWant to get rid of those pesky people standing on my back? But, please stop standing there – or else! I need space.
Photographers strive hard to capture the ideal image. In order to do so, they must be creative, think unconventionally and have an eye for detail; something which may prove challenging if there are constant disturbances from adorable pets!
These adorable animals had no problems communicating their desire not to be photographed with the photographer; instead they just advanced toward her like they were offering creative suggestions!
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6. Well, That’s Cumbersome

Unfortunately for this man’s photo session was an epic failure. While looking left, he noticed a bear; then, after shifting his gaze in another direction, two more appeared! They seemed curious and perhaps thought their curiosity might satisfy before winter’s long nap. While they seemed friendly enough, however, the photographer had to remain still.
7. What Are You Doing?

The photographer had made every effort to reach his goal, remaining still and gazing through his camera lens. Although it was possible for an innocent looking cheetah to suddenly change into an aggressive animal at any moment, as long as he remained still and gazed through his camera he would remain safe.
He was worried the curious nature of a cheetah might tempt it to peer at him due to its inquisitiveness; was this person hoping to find more like themselves? But curiosity wouldn’t be their downfall; that much was certain.
8. Cutest Distraction Ever

Convince me that you would not be disappointed if you weren’t able to take a photo of the cheetah. We can set down our camera and interact with it instead. Is anyone going to object? As long as its mother doesn’t come out we should be safe!
As in the first image, we must follow in the footsteps of the photographer in staying still when she appears from behind the bushes – it isn’t our fault, especially with such an adorable bundle of fur!
9. Where’s The Photographer?

Where Is The Photographer? We were left puzzled as the lion walked in with its prey, moving with such authority that “it will cost an arm and a leg” seemed even more accurate. Now that it had its own camera, what should it take pictures of? Our suggestion would be family portraits with its cubs; which made us very emotional!
10. Just A Little Bit Higher

This Bluebird exudes pride! It is quite remarkable that it so eagerly requests to be photographed, though the photographer must do it without sighting it first – therefore making its final outcome impossible to predict. Therefore it is wise to take multiple images, just in case one doesn’t work out as desired; all that effort will pay off in the end!
This Bluebird is unlike anything you’ve ever seen! It stands out among its fellow species as being unique!
11. Avoid Taking The Photo!

Avoid Taking The Photo! A wildlife photographer with an appreciation of comedy was trying to take photos of stunning seals along a shoreline when one came up behind him and put him into an uncomfortable situation he couldn’t escape from.
He could only laugh at himself in this situation and was lucky that his companion took photos of it all. Once back at the hotel with his group, he had an amusing story to tell about their adventure.
12. Nice Picture Friend!

We absolutely adore this photograph, even though its completion may have been difficult due to a tiny tiger’s presence – although we understand why! When bored of playing with other cats, this young tiger chose people and made friends instead – just wish the photographer was prepared so his camera wouldn’t have been damaged and new lenses needed! But be wary – felines may need stitches after misbehaving or becoming injured during its play!
13. Is The Food

Finding food during winter can be difficult, and this fox appears to be searching for sustenance within its camera lens. Unfortunately, though, this lens only captures images. Would he appreciate having his face close-upped for further amusement by humans?
The photographer is hoping to get an amazing shot, but cannot linger too long in the subzero temperature. While foxes may be adorable pets, their presence is not ideal for photographers.
14. Animal Adoption Continues

At first, powerful lions took control, followed by clever foxes. Could these two animals have started this stressful situation all by themselves? Recently, numerous foxes were seen disturbing wildlife photographers on an ongoing basis and it seems as if they are conducting some kind of secret mission! Cunning Foxes!
Will mice and snakes learn to operate cameras soon? We find ourselves bewildered when contemplating all of the possibilities; yet we remain undaunted, taking this end-of-world scenario seriously as best we can. So come back to Foraging Fox now!
15. Hello Can You Hear Me

In this image, we can see a delighted photographer being snapped by other photographers. Without their presence, these amusing shots wouldn’t exist! While we may never know exactly what the deer in the background expected when snapping this shot, that doesn’t matter either.
Not to be taken lightly is that while they might be having fun now, a deer won’t share his enthusiasm when it damages his expensive lens.
16. This Is An Attack!

This unfortunate photographer dreamt of exploring the wilds and taking stunning landscape photos when an eagle suddenly took an interest. Unfortunately for him, its attention was drawn by this activity which they judged to be wrong and would pose quite the threat to NFL linebackers!
This person clearly received the message. They no longer would interfere with nature like this – especially after someone else snapped an amusing photo of their attack instead of helping out!
17. One Kiss Will Transform You Into A Prince.

One Kiss Will Turn You Into a Prince
No one seems sure which animal is being photographed here, but we speculate it might be a baby ferret giving her photographer an “Eskimo Kiss.” Perhaps one day soon enough this kiss will transform him into a prince as is often depicted in traditional tales.
The spell will be broken when an animal is kissed for true love – we just hope it doesn’t lead to losing his nose!
18. Do You Have Something On Your Mind

This female photographer was unflappable in her pursuit of the perfect shot and would not allow anything, including the presence of an exotic white wolf, to derail her. If I were her, however, I probably would have bolted off immediately.
Finding an amazing photo requires hard work and perseverance – so we admire her courage in pursuing this goal for so many years before finally capturing that perfect moment!
19. I Found You!

A photographer had intended to take photos later but was blocked from doing so due to an unpredictable fox that kept coming back into their temporary sanctuary, where they tried to stay hidden as long as possible.
When it noticed the camera, the adorable but befuddled fox moved quickly toward it and advanced towards it. He/She may take time figuring out their situation – perhaps this could become an ongoing battle between both of them!
20. A Camera Built For Two
As soon as he saw a photographer studying his photos, the fox became very curious. If you have ever attempted to photograph a fox before, they can often be finicky about being captured on camera; when taken, however, they tend to look their best for photos that feature them as subjects. Even when offered treats in exchange for photo opps if what resulted wasn’t to its liking!
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