You can make some changes to your lifestyle to improve your chances!
Live People are living longer and longer these days. With the recent death of the oldest person in the world at the age of 118, some people are curious about how they can live that long too. The United Nations reports that there are approximately 593,000 centenarians (people who live to be a hundred) on Earth. Surprisingly, there are things you can do to increase your chances of becoming one of them.
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Unfortunately, you can’t change your genes, which play a role in whether or not you live to be a hundred or even older. S. Jay Olshansky, a public health professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, explains that winning the genetic lottery at birth is necessary to reach such an age. So, genetics is rule number one. If your parents lived long lives, chances are you might too.
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Environment And Lifestyle
Fortunately, for those who didn’t luck out in the genetic lottery, there are other ways to improve your lifespan. Genes don’t determine everything; they only account for about 25%. The other 75% depends on your environment, lifestyle choices, diet, exercise habits, and social connections. Jamie Justice, a gerontology professor at Wake Forest University, emphasizes the importance of healthcare as well. She explains that a better healthcare system leads to a higher life expectancy.
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Location plays a significant role in longevity. Living in a war zone, heavily polluted area, or a country where sedentary behavior is common can affect your health in various ways. Luigi Ferrucci, the scientific director at the National Institute on Aging, highlights how life stress directly affects aging mechanisms. He emphasizes that good health is not just about individual behavior but also about society’s efforts to enhance population health.
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Ferrucci’s best advice is to wake up early and go outside. He believes it’s the greatest gift you can give yourself if you want to live a long life. So, if you want to reach the age of 100, you should go for a walk outside right now!
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