Anxiety is an inevitable part of modern life. Living in such an unpredictable and fast-paced environment only compounds this sense of stress further.
Anxiety doesn’t have to be all bad; it can actually help make us aware of risk, motivate us to remain organized and prepared, and assist with ascertaining risks. But when anxiety becomes an everyday presence, that’s when action should be taken before it worsens further.

Uncontrolled anxiety can profoundly diminish your quality of life. Take charge by identifying any underlying thoughts.
What Is Anxiety ?
Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It manifests as feelings of fear or worry which could stem from any number of sources ranging from genetics, environmental influences and brain chemistry.
1.Stay Active
Regular exercise is beneficial not just to your physical wellbeing; it can be an invaluable source of emotional well-being as well.
Recent reports indicated that individuals with anxiety issues who reported substantial actual work were better protected against experiencing anxiety manifestations.
Exercise may help ease tension. Exercising can divert your attention away from anything which is making you uneasy or upsetting you.
2. Avoid Alcohol
While alcoholic beverages may provide temporary relief from anxiety symptoms, research indicates there may be an association between anxiety disorders and alcohol consumption – that is, anxiety disorders – and alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).
A 2017 review comprising of 63 studies revealed that restricting liquor intake can have positive results on both anxiety and depression.
Heavy drinking can obstruct the natural balance of synapses that contributes to positive psychological wellbeing, creating an imbalance that may contribute to anxiety-inducing symptoms.
3. Consider Stopping Smoking Cigarettes
Smokers often turn to cigarettes when feeling stressed out or anxious. Much like drinking liquor, smoking may provide an effective solution to alleviating anxiety over time.
Studies have demonstrated that smoking early in life increases your risk of anxiety-related conditions later. Nicotine and other synthetics present in tobacco smoke also seem to change pathways related to anxiety in your brain.
4. Meditate And Practice Mindfulness
Meditation’s primary objective is to bring full focus to each moment in time and see all thoughts as nonjudgmental phenomena. Doing this can create an inner peace by helping you manage emotions with greater control. This practice may help lead to feelings of calmness and satisfaction while building resilience to handle life’s inevitable curveballs more readily.
Meditation has long been known to help reduce anxiety, making it an integral part of CBT.
John Hopkins research suggests daily meditation could reduce some anxiety symptoms while acting as a stimulant.
5. Eat A Balanced Diet
Low blood sugar levels, dehydration or chemicals found in manufactured food sources like artificial flavorings, colorings or additives may contribute to behavioral changes in some individuals, while eating too much sugar could change someone’s outlook as well as affect disposition.
If your anxiety increases after eating, consider your nutritional patterns. Remain hydrated, remove processed food varieties and consume an even diet consisting of complex carbs, fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins.
6.Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing should become part of your routine when dealing with anxiety; shallow, rapid breathing can trigger quick pulse rates, dazedness or lightheadedness and even panic attacks. For the best results, practice deep breathing for at least five minutes every hour during anxiety attacks to calm yourself.
Breathing exercises involving deep and slow inhalations of full breaths may help restore normal breathing patterns and ease anxiety.
7. Drink Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea can be an effective home remedy to soothe frayed nerves and enhance restful sleep.
Recent research indicates chamomile can also help combat GAD. According to this review, individuals taking German Chamomile cases (220 milligrams multiple times daily) experienced a more marked decrease in test scores that demonstrate anxiety than people given a placebo treatment.
Another 2005 study concluded that Chamom has antimicrobial properties.