Snake was a calm weekend afternoon. John was reading on the back porch while Liz worked in their garden.
All of a sudden, Liz screamed. John quickly got up and rushed to his wife. Liz seemed fine, but when John glanced around, he saw something that shouldn’t have been possible.
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Scary And Strange

John saw a tiny snake right in front of him. Liz was hiding behind John, peeping out to get a better look. John got amazed because the snake had two little arms, which was the strangest thing he had ever seen. The snake seemed small and not dangerous, so John decided to pick it up to examine it closely. However, the moment he grabbed it, the snake hissed and bit his wrist!
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Too Much Damage

John screamed in pain and quickly released the snake. The bite started bleeding heavily. He was surprised that such a small snake could cause such a big injury! Liz rushed inside the house and came back with a cloth to wrap around the snake bite and halt the bleeding.
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Catching The Snake

A tiny and strange snake slithered fast. John and Liz ran after it in the backyard. Finally, they caught it and placed it in a shoebox. Suddenly, they noticed that John’s injury was still bleeding! They understood they needed to rush to the emergency room, so they took the snake with them.
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An Unknown Case

The doctors checked John and told him that his snake bite was strange but couldn’t explain why. They treated his wound, and then John and Liz decided to take the snake to the Vet to find out more.
When they got to the animal clinic, the Vet looked scared when he saw the snake.
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An Out-Of-This-World Creature

They helped the Vet put the snake in a clear tank. The Vet said it was a strange creature and wasn’t sure if it could be called a snake. This made them more worried because now John’s bite was from an unusual creature. The Vet’s discovery could have big consequences for John’s wound!
The Mysterious Box

The animal doctor was checking the weird snake with arms, and John started feeling very chilly. When John told the doctor about it, the doctor saw the dark circle around his bite and got really concerned. The doctor hurriedly took an old medicine box from the cupboard and said, “We have to treat that immediately.”
The Antidote

He gave John and Liz a special medicine for dangerous bites. This medicine was very unique and had never been used before. There was only one of its kind, and it was extremely rare. The Vet showed them the medicine, which was kept in a small container. “We need to apply this directly to the bite,” the Vet explained.
The Worst Isn’t Over Yet

After the Vet gave John a shot, he immediately began to feel better. The couple felt relieved, but the Vet cautioned them not to let their guard down completely. This made John and Liz worried once more. They started thinking about whether the snake was poisonous and what might happen to John as a result.
New Discoveries

John began to feel better, and the Vet continued to observe the snake. The Vet instructed John and Liz to stay nearby in case additional tests were required for John.
All of a sudden, after a short while, the Vet hastily stepped back and exclaimed, “It’s definitely a snake! But we must act quickly.”
A Mystery To Solve

They listened as the Vet talked quietly on the phone, and it didn’t make them feel good. Once the Vet ended the call, he made sure the snake was still trapped and then looked right at John. “You have to go to the hospital.”
Waiting Game

They took the snake to the hospital. The Vet wanted to see Doctor Andrew, but he was busy, so they had to wait. While waiting, John began to feel unwell, but he believed it was just nerves. However, there was another reason behind his sickness.
Life On The Line

It had been almost an hour, and the Vet was pacing in front of John and Liz. They could tell the Vet was in a rush, and they grew more anxious while waiting. It was hard not to be worried because John’s life was on the line!
The Vet went up to the assistant and whispered something. Then, the door opened, and finally…
It’s Getting Serious

Everyone felt better when the assistant said Doctor Andrew was prepared. When they entered the room, Doctor Andrew greeted them happily. But when he talked to the Vet and saw the snake, his smile disappeared.
“We have to do blood tests immediately,” Doctor Andrew told John with a serious face.
Calm Before The Storm

Doctor Andrew told them not to worry and said he needed to check John’s blood to make sure he was fine. This made the couple feel better, but they were still scared that the snake bite could be poisonous. After taking the blood samples, Doctor Andrew suggested they go home and relax while they waited. He also wanted to examine the strange snake the couple found.
Unlocking The Mystery

The Vet and Doctor Andrew looked at the snake and thought it was the most special creature they had ever seen. When they used a tool to take out its venom, they realized they needed to tell John and Liz immediately.
What Could It Be ?

John and Liz were at home, trying their best to stay calm and not think about the results. They were worried because the snake that bit John might have put venom in his body. To make things worse, the venom could be very dangerous and even deadly!
All of a sudden, John’s phone rang. He received a call informing him that something unusual had been discovered in his blood.
Unexplainable Occurrence

In the hospital, the snake started thrashing around in its cage. Doctor Andrew and the Vet didn’t know what to do because the snake seemed to be in pain. What made it even weirder was that the snake was waving its arms at them.
They phoned John again and told him to come fast.
They Found Out

John answered the phone and quickly heard a message from Doctor Andrew. They rushed to the hospital in a hurry because they were very worried. They even broke the speed limits to get there faster. Liz was worried that John’s health was at risk because of a small and strange snake.
What they found later shocked them completely.
Results Are Out

As soon as John and Liz got to the hospital, Doctor Andrew rushed over to them. They were swiftly brought to the doctor’s office, where they noticed test tubes and a very active snake.
“Please don’t be frightened by the information we’re about to tell you,” Doctor Andrew warned, holding the test results.
Unique Color

John wasn’t sure if he understood Doctor Andrew correctly. The Doctor told him that there was a weird glowing substance in his blood, which was very uncommon. It looked like there was a shiny gold line in his blood!
Figuring It Out

John wished he had listened to Liz’s advice about leaving snake handling to the experts. Before he could think about it too much, Doctor Andrew spoke.
“John, we’re not sure if this situation is good or bad. But we might have a way to find out…”
Going Back Home

Doctor Andrew explained that discovering the origin of the snake would reveal whether John’s blood condition was positive or negative. Upon hearing this, the couple believed that if they had any unusual items at home, they might finally have an opportunity to resolve everything.
Abandoned Backyard

Doctor Andrew said, “You have to take us there!” when John and Liz told him where the snake was. It was in the abandoned pond in their backyard, which made John feel uneasy. But Doctor Andrew saw something promising in that neglected yard and thought it could have the answer they were looking for!
Trying Out New Things

After John and Liz got married, they went to live in a house that their parents gave them as a gift. In the back of the house, there was a big empty area that they didn’t pay much attention to. But later on, things became harder for them.
Large Spaces

John and Liz became very busy with their jobs and realized they needed to find time for each other. They came up with an idea to share a hobby that could help them unwind and forget about their work stress. When they saw their backyard, they realized they had enough room for their hobby.
Hard Work Pays Off

Liz created a garden, and John wanted to improve it by adding a pond. He started digging, and after a few days, he was surprised to see water flowing from underground. As he dug deeper, more water appeared. Suddenly, his shovel struck a very solid object.
Dealing With Curiosity

John saw a shiny metal rock and it caught his attention because of the sunlight. He was curious, so he began digging to find out more about it. Just as he was going to pick it up, he accidentally hit the rock with his shovel. What happened next terrified him!
Going Down The Drain

When the rock cracked, the water below rushed downward right away. John was really shocked and leaped out of the hole he had been digging for days. He simply stood there, filled with wonder, as the water disappeared.
Feeling Dread

When he saw the water disappear, he felt very sad. It seemed like all his hard work was for nothing, like everything was slipping away!
However, John also felt frightened because this kind of thing rarely occurs. Suddenly, a hole appeared in their backyard without any explanation…
On With The Show

He was really surprised, so he followed Liz’s advice and didn’t touch the hole for a few days. Liz was right; it might be risky! Since he didn’t see anything strange, John decided to continue working but promised himself not to disturb the rocks again.
The Positive Side

John returned to work, filled with joy at the opportunity to begin anew. However, because of the frightening incident he went through, he decided to maintain a safe distance from the hole. But he soon realized that in order to finish the pond, he had to close the hole. So, he cautiously approached it.

When John placed the rock on the hole, he quickly felt his heart beating fast. He thought something important was about to happen, like a sudden earthquake or loud thunder.
He waited nervously for a few minutes, and happily, nothing unusual took place!
Paradise-Like View

He placed granite and stones in the pond, starting with the bottom and then the sides. In a few days, the pond was complete!
John introduced the koi fish he got as a present into the pond. Liz had already completed the work on the garden as well. Stepping back, they admired how their once empty backyard had transformed into a stunning paradise.
New Opportunities

John and Liz understood that the number of fish in the pond would naturally grow. When they noticed two additional fish, John reached out to his friend, who was an expert in animal breeding, for help.
John’s friend offered a straightforward solution: they should sell the extra fish! This made the couple anxious and uncertain about their next steps.
Increasing And Increasing

Over time, the number of fish in the pond increased. John and Liz removed the fish that had become too big for the pond and sold them. They kept doing this for some time until John noticed something unusual occurring in the pond.
Alarming Mystery

John spent almost a week observing the pond, and eventually, he discovered what was happening. The fish were slowly disappearing without any evidence left behind. It seemed like they had suddenly vanished, almost like magic!
Surveillance Is Key

In the beginning, John thought that someone was taking their special fish from the pond. So, they set up cameras to catch the thief. But when they checked the footage from overnight, they saw that nobody had come onto their property. However, the next morning, they still noticed that there were fewer fish in the pond!
The Downward Spiral

At first, John and Liz weren’t sure, but they soon realized that the extra money they made from selling their extra koi fish was really useful. However, now that their fish are disappearing, it’s creating a major financial issue for them!
Losing Hope

John was really worried about what was happening. But just when he was about to dig deeper into it, the last fish disappeared. Instead of trying to solve the mystery, John felt hopeless and decided to forget about the pond and the lively fish he once had.
As a result, John began to ignore the backyard and didn’t spend as much time there as he used to.
A Thorough Research

Currently, John is watching Doctor Andrew and the Vet inspecting the pond he created. The water has been drained, so it’s easy for them to explore the bottom of the pond. They discover some rocks and their faces show that they’re really surprised!
Feeling Anxious

John was torn between wanting to go and see what the two men had noticed. He didn’t think it could be anything strange because he checked his messy backyard every morning.
But John had to trust the two men because they had investigated on their own. After all, it was his life that could be in danger!
Discovering New Things

Doctor Andrew and the Vet discovered a broken metal piece that reminded them of something John and Liz had talked about. As Doctor Andrew examined the metal piece, he realized it had familiar colors and patterns. When they recalled where they had seen it before, they became concerned.
Closer And Closer

Doctor Andrew remembers exactly where he saw it. The marks looked like the liquid he had in his lab, the one in the test tube with John’s blood. The vet understood right away: they were getting closer to solving John’s case!
Shocking Revelation

They signaled for John and Liz to come closer in a hurry. As they approached the two doctors, they saw something unusual in front of Doctor Andrew and the Vet.
The ground was all messed up, and the shiny rock John had seen before was broken into two parts with fragments spread around! But the most surprising thing for everyone was yet to come.
Getting There

Everyone was really shocked when they discovered that the middle of the rock was actually empty. This made them consider the possibility that it might not be a regular rock after all, but rather an egg.
Doctor Andrew had a theory, but he didn’t want to burden John and Liz with more information until he could confirm it. So, he decided to make sure his theory was correct before sharing anything with them.
A Match!

Doctor Andrew and the Vet took a see-through bag from their bags and collected the broken pieces of the rock. They examined the shard carefully, cleaned off some dirt, and Doctor Andrew was amazed.
“John, the color of this shard matches the one in your blood!”
At The End Of The Tunnel

Doctor Andrew and the Vet discovered some proof and collected it with the help of John and Liz. Everyone felt optimistic because they saw a solution to the problem caused by John’s case. But the phone call Doctor Andrew received shattered their newly found hope.
The Call

As John drove them to the hospital, Doctor Andrew felt his phone shake. He had to pick it up because his lab was calling. He pressed a button and held the phone to his ear…
Chaos Starts!

It seemed like everything was in complete disarray, as if chaos itself was beckoning to him! All he could hear were loud and jarring sounds, and suddenly his secretary exclaimed urgently, “The snake got away!”
Breaking Speed Limits

Everyone in the car saw that Doctor Andrew’s face went pale. They heard some loud talking but couldn’t quite make out the words. However, they quickly knew something was wrong when Doctor Andrew raised his voice and said, “John, speed up!” John, upon hearing this, pressed the gas pedal even more.
Another Obstacle

Liz was really worried and holding onto the car handles tightly. She asked nervously, “What’s happening?” She was concerned because John was driving really fast and not being careful, trying to reach the clinic quickly.
Their worries got even worse when they heard Doctor Andrew say something, and it felt like they had lost all hope.
Two Steps Back

“The snake got away, and everyone started freaking out. So, it’s possible that some of John’s blood tests might not be accurate,” Doctor Andrew said in a hurry. The car fell silent, and their hopes of making progress faded away.

The people in the car couldn’t hear Doctor Andrew clearly, so they didn’t understand what he meant. Liz asked him to repeat, which gave them a little hope, but they still found it difficult to believe.
“I hope the one I kept in my safe wasn’t the one!”
Seemingly Peaceful…

They were amazed that they arrived at the hospital in less than 15 minutes. It felt like a miracle, despite encountering some dangerous situations with other cars on the road. However, they were ready to take the chance to learn about John’s condition.
When they got out of the car, the couple glanced at the hospital entrance and everything seemed ordinary until…
Chaos Inside!

The doors suddenly burst open, and one of Doctor Andrew’s assistants ran away scared. As the doors swung open, the two doctors and the couple saw a lot of noise and shouting coming from inside the clinic.
“Someone got bitten by a snake!” Without wasting any time, all four of them quickly went inside the clinic.

John searched the hospital and was shocked by what he saw. Everything was in a terrible state. Chairs were turned upside down, and papers were scattered all over. It was difficult to believe that a tiny snake could create such a mess, especially considering how neat it was when they first came.
Getting Complicated

Immediately, Dr. Andrew noticed the person who was bitten. It was his most trusted lab assistant, the one responsible for handling the snake. The assistant was experiencing a situation similar to what John had gone through earlier, so there was some relief that they would be familiar with the necessary steps to take.
However, the Vet did not share the same feeling of reassurance.

Suddenly, they heard a big shout from the back of the hospital. Doctor Andrew told the Vet to go check while he took care of his assistant. The hospital was empty because everyone ran away when they heard there was a snake loose.
A Mysterious Scene

The Vet, John, and Liz went to the location where they heard the shout. They walked into the hospital garden and saw a different doctor holding the snake they were looking for.
“I found it!” the doctor said excitedly. But instead of feeling happy, they sensed that something was wrong.