Old Trailer For a long time, the empty trailer at the edge of town was a puzzling thing. It used to belong to a man named Jack, who vanished without any clues more than ten years ago.
Nobody knew what really occurred to him, but there were stories going around that he had escaped with a lot of money. The truth only emerged when his son inherited the place.
While clearing out the trailer, his son found an astonishing secret that his father had kept hidden all those years.
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An Old Trailer

Adam stood in front of the trailer and saw how old and broken it was. It didn’t look very impressive. He wondered why his father had kept it hidden from him for so long. However, he was about to discover the reason behind it. His father had a good explanation.
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Stepping Inside

As he opened the squeaky door and went inside, he smelled a funny old scent and saw a bunch of dusty things lying all over the place. He started going through the mess, hoping to find some clues.
While Adam kept looking through the trailer, he found something that didn’t seem to fit in.
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He Found Something

Adam found the first clue in his search, which made him keep looking. However, he didn’t realize that trying to find answers about his father would bring up even more questions. He wondered why Jack disappeared without a clue, why he left the trailer to Adam, and what Adam would discover inside.
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An Unexpected Letter

Adam was surprised when he got a letter from the government saying he inherited something from his dad. He hadn’t thought about his dad in a long time because he disappeared when Adam was a little boy. But there was still more to the mystery.
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Declared Deceased

It seems like Adam’s mother told the government that his father was dead so she could get something valuable from him. His father had been missing for more than fifteen years. But instead of getting something valuable, Adam ended up inheriting his father’s only possession—a worn-out trailer that was hidden in a forest filled with radomes.
A Secret From His Family

Adam was extremely surprised when he found out that his father had been declared dead, but what shocked him even more was the realization that his father had left him something. Adam couldn’t recall ever going to a trailer with his father, and when he mentioned it to his mother, she was equally amazed. This made Adam wonder what his father had kept hidden from them.
Going To The Trailer

Once Adam got the trailer’s location, he quickly packed up and drove there. The forest was three hours away, which made him wonder why it was so far. It made him doubt his memories of his father and question his true identity.
A Huge Forest

The big hill in the middle of nowhere was completely covered in a forest. The closest town was an hour away, so it was really quiet there. Adam was using his phone to navigate, and he realized that the trailer was hidden very deep in the forest. It seemed like his father didn’t want anyone to discover it.
He Arrived At The Spot

Eventually, he saw something far away. He wasn’t completely sure if it was the trailer because it blended in with the colors of the forest. But as Adam got closer, it became more obvious to him that he was heading towards the trailer.
He took a deep breath and was amazed as he stood in front of it, observing everything around him.
Not Touched In Years

The trailer looked really old and neglected. The paint was coming off, the windows were dirty, and the back part had fallen down. The door was also broken and didn’t hang properly. It seemed like nature had completely taken over the trailer, and it seemed untouched for a really long time.
An Uneasy Feeling

Adam wondered why his father was involved with this old object as he shook his head. He explored every part of the trailer by walking around it. Although he felt a bit uneasy about it, after circling the trailer for the fifth time, he decided it was time to enter.
Searching For Answers

Adam opened the creaky door and entered the trailer. It smelled old and uncared for. There was dust and cobwebs everywhere, and a lot of junk on the floor.
Adam was determined to find answers and clean up the trailer. However, he would soon discover something unusual…
Scattering Through The Rubbish

First, he started by throwing everything out of the trailer. He did this during the daytime so that he could carefully search through the items and look for any clues. Although he wasn’t exactly sure what he was searching for, he wanted to find something that would confirm his father’s presence in that place.
Organizing The Mess

The ground was a mess with trash and broken parts from the trailer. Adam needed to protect himself, so he wore gloves to avoid getting scratched by the sharp wood and rusty metal.
To tidy up, he started sorting the debris into different groups: wood went to the left, metal to the right, and furniture and other things in the middle.
Nothing Was Salvageable

He didn’t mind the mess he created in the trailer. The trailer was already in really bad shape, and he knew he couldn’t fix it in time. It was beyond repair, but it served one important purpose: giving Adam clues about his father’s disappearance.
A Tiny Key

Finally, as the sun started going down, Adam discovered something. He found a small, old key hidden beneath the trash on the ground. Since nothing in the trailer was locked, Adam thought there must be another place where the key could be used.
He started to imagine possibilities. Could there be a secret safe hidden somewhere?
Could It Be?

He never imagined he would discover something valuable. He only hoped to come across a few pictures or perhaps a notebook. However, since there were rumors that his father had taken a large sum of money, he never considered the possibility that he might have left some behind.
But now, he was starting to feel hopeful.
A Loose Floorboard

Adam searched the whole trailer once more, hoping to find a secret compartment or safe. He carefully checked every part of the walls, floors, and ceiling, tapping and pressing to find anything unusual.
Just when he was about to quit, he spotted a loose floorboard at the back of the trailer.
He Found Something

He used the key to open the floorboard and discovered a secret compartment below. In it, he found a small notebook. Adam was scared and excited as he picked up the notebook and started looking through its pages. He couldn’t believe that it was actually his father’s journal.
Expensive Black Leather

The journal was made of fancy black leather and seemed really worn out. It had a small tie to keep the pages together and prevent the book from opening. His father must have written something important inside; otherwise, why would he go through so much trouble to hide it?
A Journal

He quickly turned to the end of the journal and got surprised when he read the final pages. They were written specifically for him, as if his father had foreseen that he would discover the journal one day.
In those pages, his father had written a peculiar message, but the last sentences were the scariest of all.
His Father’s Words

“Son, if you’re reading this, I’m not here anymore. I didn’t want to leave, but I had no choice. Go to the given coordinates, and you’ll find something that’s only meant for you.” Adam sighed.
This message meant that Adam’s father had gone somewhere involuntarily and left behind a clue for Adam to find something important. Adam was worried and knew he had to act quickly.
Different Handwriting

Adam noticed that his father’s handwriting on the last page was distinctively different from the rest. It seemed as though his father had been writing hastily, as evidenced by the elongated last letter of the final word, as if he had been abruptly interrupted. This sparked a cascade of inquiries in Adam’s mind.
A Storage Unit

Adam typed the coordinates into his phone and was surprised to find that they pointed to a storage unit nearby his hometown. It would take him two hours to drive there, heading back in the direction of his house. He secured the trailer with a padlock and set off to the storage unit.
No Unknown Place

When Adam got to the place, he suddenly realized that he had driven by it many times before without paying much attention. But now, with his father’s journal and a feeling of urgency, Adam didn’t waste any time. He knew he was finally going to get the answers to his questions.
One Important Detail

He hoped things would go well, but there was an important piece of information his father never wrote down. Adam hadn’t realized it yet, but he was about to. He parked his car and confidently walked to the storage unit facility, but when he arrived in front of the row of red garage doors, he felt lost and didn’t know where to go.
Searching For The Unit

Adam’s father didn’t write down the number of their unit. So, Adam went to the manager and inquired about the unit listed under his father’s name. Surprisingly, there was no unit registered under his father’s name. Adam was perplexed and tried spelling the name multiple times, but there was still no record found.
Getting Frustrated

He started to feel really annoyed. All he really wanted was some answers, but it was turning out to be way more difficult than he thought. Adam started to lose hope and was about to give up and go home, never wanting to think about this terrible day again.
But then, something popped into his mind.
“What Belongs To You”

He recalled something his father had written to him. “You will find what is yours and yours alone.” Could the device be registered under his name instead? Why would his father make such a decision?
Suddenly, it made sense. Naturally, his father wouldn’t use his own name! Especially if he was truly in peril.
Number 33

They asked the manager to check his own name, and they found a match. Unit number 33 was listed under Adam’s full name. Adam went to the unit and saw that it was really old. There were cobwebs and the padlock was rusty. It seemed like nobody had been there for a long time.
Rusted Shut

The lock was small and the key seemed like it would fit, but it was really difficult to open because it was rusty. Adam tried turning the key, but it wouldn’t move at all.
Luckily, the floor manager had a plan. He sprayed a special liquid on the lock that gets rid of rust and waited for a few minutes.
It Opened

The manager had experienced situations like this many times before because people often forget about their units more than expected. After waiting for a few minutes, the lock was lubricated sufficiently, and the manager moved aside so Adam could try again. And this time, it opened right away.
Not Alone

The lock fell loudly, and Adam’s heart started beating fast. He wondered why he was feeling so nervous. He thanked the manager for the assistance but asked him to stay a bit longer. He couldn’t explain it, but he didn’t want to be by himself at that moment.
What Did This Mean?

Adam carefully lifted the garage door of unit 33, and what he saw inside surprised him. The space was small and not very bright. It was filled with old boxes covered in dust and spider webs, as if someone had quickly left their things behind and never returned.
A Thick Layer Of Dust

The floor was covered in a lot of dust, and their boot prints showed as they walked. The boxes were closed with tape and had no words on them. The only way to know what was inside was to open them, but Adam was unsure.
He worried that the boxes might only bring disappointment.
Was It A Mistake?

Adam’s heart began beating faster all of a sudden. He started doubting his decision to come here. Was it really worth risking his cherished memories of his father for a chance of being let down? Adam was scared that he might discover something about his father that he would have preferred not to know, but it was too late to change his mind now.
His Old Toys

He began to open some boxes and suddenly felt a rush of happy memories. Inside, he found his beloved toys from when he was a little kid and photo albums of him and his dad going on their regular adventures.
Adam couldn’t help but smile, amazed that his father had kept all these things for such a long time.
Not Over Yet

All his worries disappeared, and he began opening more and more boxes. The entire place was filled with objects and memories his father had saved for him. Adam felt a mix of sadness and happiness that was hard to handle.
He wanted to think that his father wanted him to discover all of this, but it didn’t feel like the end just yet.
Not A Standard Unit

As Adam explored further, he suddenly spotted something at the back of the unit. There was a door that led to a small room. The manager was surprised because regular units don’t usually have an extra room.
It seemed like Adam’s father had likely built the wall and doorframe on his own to create a hidden room.
Not A Normal Wall

They walked slowly towards the wall and looked at it closely. The wall was made of thin, cardboard-like material instead of regular bricks or cement. It was obviously a homemade makeshift room, but they wondered why it was built. Adam went to open the door, but he came across another unexpected surprise and tripped.
Breaking Down The Door

The door was locked once more. Adam was surprised. He wondered how many locks he had to open to discover his father’s secrets. He admired his father’s determination, but this time Adam had given up searching for keys.
He took a few steps back and forcefully kicked the door open.
Clouds Of Dust

The door came off its hinges and fell loudly on the ground. Dust flew up and made Adam and the floor manager cough. They brushed away the dust and went into the room, narrowing their eyes to see what was inside.
A Makeshift Office

In the secret room, Adam discovered lots of books, old maps, and papers on shelves. There was a big desk with a chair, a little lamp, and a corkboard covered in notes and pictures.
It seemed like a temporary office, and Adam couldn’t stop thinking about what his father had been doing there.
Very Surprised

Adam heard the floor manager gasp when he brought food into the room. He knew that it was a rare sight for the manager, so Adam understood why he was so surprised. The food was hidden in one of Adam’s storage units, and if he hadn’t asked the manager to stay, he would never have found out about it.
What Was His Father Doing?

Adam began sorting through the papers, attempting to understand the messy collection of information. Some of the papers were written in secret code, while others were aged newspaper articles and pictures.
Adam had no clue about the significance of it all, but he was certain that his father had been involved in something extremely risky.
A Hidden Chest

He accidentally bumped his foot on something while walking and glanced under the desk. Adam discovered a secret chest and hoped it wasn’t locked. As he pulled the small handle, the chest opened gradually. He wondered what could be inside.
Not As He Suspected

Adam discovered a bunch of papers and an old photo held together in a chest. He opened them up and began to read. The documents showed proof that important people in the town were involved in corrupt activities and stealing money, even the ones who had hidden the truth about his father going missing.
Shaking With Anger

Adam became furious as he discovered how deeply corruption had affected his town for a long time. When he glanced at the picture, he saw his father standing with some activists, holding a banner that said “Justice for All.” It made him realize that his father had been fighting against corruption all this time.
Could He Be Alive?

Adam’s mind was filled with many questions. He wondered why his father had hidden this evidence and why he had vanished. He wanted to know what had happened to his father. But amidst all the uncertainty, Adam felt a glimmer of hope. Could his father still be alive?
With a strong resolve to uncover the truth, Adam made up his mind to confront the only person who might have had knowledge about everything all along.
The One Person

He thanked the manager for helping him, took the box of evidence he had collected, and went to his mother’s house. Adam believed that his mother needed to be informed about this situation. After being married to someone for so long, you should know what they were doing, right? But Adam soon realized that the situation was more complex than he initially thought.
She Knew More

When Adam reached his mother’s house, he had different feelings. His mother, Jessica, appeared both surprised and puzzled by his arrival. She seemed unsure about discussing Adam’s father and avoided making eye contact. This made Adam feel anxious, as he sensed that his mother might be hiding something.
A Strange Look

Adam was outside the door, wanting his mother to open it for him. She had a weird expression when she saw the box he was holding. Adam couldn’t figure out if she was feeling sad, puzzled, or embarrassed.
He moved closer and ended up standing in the hallway. He insisted on getting some explanations.
He Had Lied To Him

Adam suddenly had a shocking realization that his father had been lying to him throughout his entire life. All those trips and missed dinners due to late work were nothing but falsehoods. Even more surprising was the fact that his mother had been aware of this deception all along, yet she had kept it from him. Frustrated, Adam pleaded with his mother to at least be honest with him.
Telling The Truth

His mom sighed and said, “Okay, Adam, please sit down.” Adam sat on the couch while his mom went upstairs to get something. He felt hurt and disappointed because he wished his parents had told him the truth earlier, especially when he became eighteen.
Did She Know All Along?

For many years, he constantly thought about his father and wondered what might have happened to him. The rumor that his father abandoned them was always on his mind.
But now, discovering that his mother might have known the truth all this time was incredibly sad, to say the least.
A Shoe Box Of Belongings

His mother came back holding a shoe box and said, “This box has everything that’s left of your father. He didn’t just lie to you, Adam. He lied to me too. He abandoned both of us. I used to hope that he would come back one day and things would be normal again, but that won’t happen. Your father was a complicated person.”
A Complicated Man

Adam’s mother told him that his father had never been open about his work. He would frequently lie to Jessica, claiming he had lost his job or left on his own. As a result, he would wander around, searching for new employment and staying away for extended periods.
Curious about her husband’s occupation, Adam’s mother finally decided to confront him one day.
He Couldn’t Tell Her Everything

They argued a lot about it, and eventually, Adam’s father gave in. He explained to Jessica that he was dealing with dangerous people and was trying to protect her and Adam.
But Jessica wasn’t satisfied with that. She wanted to know all the details of what he was doing, but unfortunately, he couldn’t tell her.
Her Worries Became A Reality

He tried to make her understand, but Jessica kept insisting. If her husband was doing something risky, she wanted to know about it, and it’s understandable. She was concerned that something might happen to him without her knowledge, and unfortunately, her worries came true.
In Their Best Interest

A few days after the argument, Adam’s dad left and didn’t come back. He sent a letter to Jessica, saying it’s better for them not to talk to him.
Adam’s mom cried when she showed Adam the letter. She always wondered if bad people had influenced his dad.
A Shared Heartbreak

Adam and his mother cried together because they were both very sad. Adam realized there was no reason to be angry at his mother, so he took the letter from her and held her hand while they read it together.
However, there was something else that his mother hadn’t told him yet. She went on to say:
A New Letter

But then, I received a letter about a week ago. It was specifically addressed to me.” Jessica reached into the shoebox and handed the letter to Adam. “It was from your father, Adam. I didn’t want you to read it, but since you’re not dropping the matter, I have no other option.”
A Reassuring Smile

She gave Adam the letter. He glanced at his mom, who gave him a small smile to reassure him. His hands shook as he pulled the letter out of the envelope and carefully unfolded it.
He paused for a moment before reading, but he felt deep inside that he wouldn’t find peace unless he read it.
He Had No Choice

Adam’s father wrote a letter to his wife, asking her to stop searching for him. He wanted her to officially declare him as deceased so that everyone could find some peace. He also requested her to tell Adam that he loved him and never intended for this situation to occur, but he felt he had no other option. If he hadn’t gone missing, he would have likely passed away by now.
He Was Alive

Adam shed a tear and his mother gently touched his shoulder to comfort him. She apologized to him while he softly smiled. He finally realized that his father was alive and understood why he had left him. Although he may never hear from his father again, he felt happy just knowing he was alive.
One More Thing To Do

They hugged tightly and spent the whole day remembering the happy times they had with Adam’s dad. Afterward, Adam left his mom’s place feeling happy, but he knew there was something else he needed to do to put it all behind him.
Fighting For His Father

Adam had a lot of different feelings inside him. He felt proud of his father for being brave, angry about the unfairness he experienced, and determined to continue his father’s work. He worked really hard with the police, lawyers, and the media to make sure the dishonest people who caused the problems faced the proper punishment.
The End

After a difficult and lengthy court fight, the dishonest officials were proven guilty and given long prison sentences. The people in the town rejoiced at the decision, seeing it as a triumph for fairness and a fresh start for their community.
Adam understood that there were many challenges to overcome, but he held onto the hope that his father would eventually be able to return home. This marked the end of the story.
In a similar tale, there is an elderly woman who generously gives her house to her neighbor. Keep reading to learn more.

A 96-year-old lady couldn’t stay in her cottage anymore because she needed to move to a care home. Instead of selling it, she decided to give it to a homeless person who was often around.
The homeless person was really in need of a place to live, so he happily accepted the offer and moved in.
However, when he entered the cottage, he was amazed by what he found inside!

Steven stood in front of the house, feeling excited and nervous. It was hard for him to believe that he owned this house now. Even though he had been to this place many times before, it still felt like a completely new experience.
Little did he know, there were more surprises waiting for him besides just the house.
Something Out Of Place

He entered using the key the lawyer gave him. As he looked around, it all felt familiar once more. Everything was just like he remembered. However, Steven noticed something immediately that didn’t belong…
“I Can’t Believe It…”

On the table, there was a big suitcase with his name written on it. He was feeling nervous as he opened it slowly, and his mouth fell open in surprise. He couldn’t believe what he saw inside. “I can’t believe she did this…”
But before we get into what Steven found and understand his situation, let’s go back a bit and learn some backstory…
Meet Elly

Elly Barnes was a 96-year-old woman who lived in rural Alaska. She had spent her entire life in the area and never wanted to leave. She cherished the place as much as she cherished her husband, Peter, whom she had been married to for 72 years.
Elly enjoyed the tranquility of the open land, and one of her beloved activities was sitting on the porch with Peter, whenever the weather allowed.
However, her peaceful life was about to undergo a significant change…
Tragedy Strikes

One day, Peter died suddenly after a short fight in the hospital. Elly was shocked. Despite their age, she never considered what would happen if Peter died before her.
He had always been healthier than her. How would she manage without him?
Separate Ways

Elly and Peter’s children didn’t really like Alaska as much as their parents did. Instead, they decided to move far away and go to the continental United States. Elly’s daughters kindly offered her a place to stay in either Boston or Dallas if she wanted to move there.
However, Elly couldn’t bear the idea of living in a city. Besides, she had a strong connection to Alaska that nobody else seemed to grasp.
Childhood Sweethearts

When Elly was a little kid, she moved to Alaska and on her first day of school, she met Peter. In those days, there weren’t many things to do for two kids except playing in their yards or riding bicycles together.
The town they lived in wasn’t very large. As they got older, Elly had dreams of marrying Peter and starting an amazing life together. But things didn’t go exactly as she had planned.
Hard Times

After getting married, Elly and Peter had a hard time finding stable jobs. They couldn’t buy the house Elly had always wanted, so they settled for a small rancher with only one bedroom and a tiny living area.
Even though it wasn’t fancy, they did their best to make it work by saving money for repairs whenever they could. However, the house didn’t seem to cooperate and kept causing problems.
Stubborn And Strong

When Peter died, it seemed like the house had been fixed countless times. Elly knew most people would have torn it down by then, but there were too many memories to give up on it.
With winter approaching, she needed assistance to ensure the house could withstand the snow for another year. But she wondered who was still around to lend a hand.
A Helping Hand

Fortunately, Elly got assistance from a nearby neighbor who lived just a 10-minute walk away. They had been good friends for a long time, and they kindly offered to help with the tasks needed to maintain the house.
However, there were numerous tasks to tackle, including fixing the leaky roof and repairing the damaged windows. Additionally, Elly’s neighbors had their own problems to deal with as well.
A Second Chance

Elly’s neighbors were getting older and couldn’t help with the physical work needed to fix the house. They also had to take care of their son, Steven, who had come back home after being homeless for several years.
Unfortunately, Steven didn’t feel very welcome in Elly’s town.
Finding A Job

Steven had been searching for a job but couldn’t find one. The rural area where he lived had very few job opportunities, and he couldn’t earn enough money to move out on his own.
Depending on his parents for support made him unhappy. Since he didn’t have a car, he couldn’t travel far to look for work. Steven was starting to lose hope when his luck finally turned around…
Free Time

Steven was fit and had the energy to do many tasks at Elly’s house that his parents couldn’t handle. He had spare time and began assisting Elly in any way he could.
Elly attempted to compensate him, but Steven consistently declined. He believed he owed her a favor since they had initially met during a difficult situation.
Inviting Steven

When Steven came back to the town, everyone knew he had been homeless. They treated him poorly and didn’t give him a chance. He felt very lonely. However, Elly and Peter were kind to him from the beginning and cheered him up by inviting him to dinner sometimes.
He wanted to show his gratitude in any way possible. Little did he know that his choice to help them would have a profound impact on his life.
A Good Deed

Steven took care of Elly in every possible manner. He went shopping for groceries, cleaned the house, and completed the repairs. As a result, their bond became even stronger.
Although Steven refused to accept any payment, Elly insisted on cooking him a meal and crafting a new scarf for him to wear during winter. However, not everyone was happy about this.

Steven’s parents were not happy to discover that their son was working for Elly without getting paid. He spent so much time at her house that he didn’t have any time left to look for jobs.
His parents had been financially supporting him for a long time, and Steven’s lack of steady income was causing a strain on their budget. They knew they couldn’t continue like this, and changes would have to be made.
The Ultimatum

Steven’s parents gave him an ultimatum: either help Elly and stay at home or leave without their support. Steven was taken aback because Elly had always been kind to everyone, and he expected his parents to be more understanding. Now, he had to make a choice.
The Hard Choice

Steven told his mom and dad that he couldn’t leave Elly because she was his only friend and they had spent a long time together. His parents didn’t want him to be homeless, but they didn’t have any other ideas either. Steven was just as unsure about what to do.
Leaving Elly Behind

Steven was facing a difficult decision. He understood that if he moved away to a bigger city, he would have more chances for success. However, this meant he would have to leave Elly behind. Although he could still stay in touch with her over the phone, he wouldn’t be able to assist her with everyday tasks like before. The thought of leaving Elly made Steven wonder how she would manage without his help.
The Decision

Steven made a decision to move somewhere else for his own well-being. His parents were very happy about it and provided him with sufficient money to stay in a motel for a few weeks until he found work.
While packing his belongings, Steven didn’t even think about what the future might bring in the new city. His mind was solely focused on bidding farewell to Elly.

Steven went to tell Elly something important. The news made Elly very upset. They had become close because they spent a lot of time together. However, Steven felt like he had to do it because his parents were having money problems. He wanted to create a future for himself. He was just sad that Elly wouldn’t be as important in his life anymore. Or at least that’s what he believed…

Elly attempted to manage without Steven, but she had grown dependent on his assistance. Due to her age, she couldn’t handle many tasks on her own. Her children continuously encouraged her to abandon the house and relocate to the southern region.
However, that house held sentimental value as it was where she had raised her entire family and it was the last connection she had to Peter. Elly couldn’t bear to let go of it, but she was starting to think she might not have a choice.
Living Alone

Elly really wanted to try living alone and gave it her best shot. She went to the store, made sure the house was tidy, and attempted to fix things on her own. She kept going like this for around three weeks until something happened that showed her she couldn’t continue doing this anymore.
Fracturing Her Hip

Elly was cleaning the kitchen when she tripped over a towel she had dropped. She fell really hard and ended up fracturing her hip. Although Elly initially tried to hide it, the doctor quickly informed her family, and this was the last thing that made them decide to move Elly to a retirement home near them.
No Other Choice

Elly always strongly disagreed with it, but now she realized the truth of the situation. She knew that what she was trying to do was silly and risky, and it was only causing her family to worry. It was time for her to leave the home she had lived in for 60 years.
Who Would Get The House?

Elly knew she would have to move soon, so she had to decide what to do with her house. She thought about selling it, but knew it wouldn’t make much money. However, she realized that Steven was the one person who should really have it.
Getting Help From A Lawyer

Elly wanted to hire a lawyer to assist her with the smooth transfer of her home. She also wanted the lawyer to inform Steven about everything because she knew she wouldn’t be able to communicate effectively if she called him herself. It was important for her that everything was clearly communicated to him.
Giving The House To Steven

Elly wasn’t sure if Steven wanted her old house, but that didn’t matter to her. What she knew for sure was that he wanted what she left inside for him.
You see, the house was just a trick to hide what Elly truly wanted to give Steven. But that had to be a surprise…
A Big Surprise

Steven was very surprised and confused when the lawyer called him. He never thought Elly would leave the house she loved and give it to him. He wondered why she did this. Was there something else going on?
Steven Is Having Doubts

Elly was very generous, which made Steven think that maybe his parents had a hand in it. Did they want him to live closer to home again? But the more he thought about it, the less he actually wanted to live in rural Alaska again.
Maybe He Could Sell The House

But the idea of getting a house, even if it was in poor condition, was too tempting to turn down. Elly’s offer was very kind, even if his parents were involved in it.
And besides, he could always sell it for money if he wanted to.
Difficult In The Big City

Steven had a tough time after he moved back to the big city. He had no home and struggled to find work. That’s why he decided to return to the city, but finding opportunities was very difficult.
Still Felt Like Home

But despite feeling disappointed, Steven felt much more comfortable in the big city and had already decided to stay. With the money he might get from selling his house, he hoped to have a better beginning here.
However, that was his original idea…
One Condition

He phoned the lawyer to say he agreed to the offer and wanted the house. He also asked if the lawyer could assist him in selling it.
However, the lawyer explained that the only requirement was for him to visit the house at least once.
No Explanation

Steven felt surprised and puzzled by the strange situation, but he didn’t receive a clear explanation from the lawyer. It seemed like the lawyer either couldn’t or didn’t want to provide more details.
Despite feeling hesitant, Steven chose to go along with the offer. After all, how terrible could it be to visit the place just once?
Many Questions For Elly

Steven wanted to give Elly a call to say thank you for giving him the house and to check how she was doing. He was curious why she had moved out and also hoped she could explain the unusual state of the house.
Not Getting A Hold Of Her

Steven couldn’t reach Elly, no matter how many times he tried. Her phone always went to voicemail, which made him worry if something had happened to her. He wondered if that was the reason he was getting the house. Could it be an inheritance?
What Had Happened?

The lawyer didn’t tell him why Elly moved out of the house, but only explained why she wanted to give it to him. He didn’t think to ask at the time and just accepted it without questioning. Could his visit to the house be related to this?
Were His Parents Involved?

At first, he thought Elly might want to fix things between him and his parents, so he felt he should go there. Although he was still uncertain, Steven made up his mind to go to the house the following day.
The lawyer covered the cost of his travel to the house.
Straight To The House

When Steven reaches the town, he heads directly to Elly’s house. He wants to keep his presence a secret from his parents, so he stays away from their house altogether.
He simply wishes that his parents aren’t waiting for him at Elly’s house. However, when he arrives, it appears that nobody is there.
A Large Suitcase

When he goes into the house using the keys he got from the lawyer, he’s shocked to see two new locks on the door. At first, everything else seems the same. But then he notices a big suitcase sitting on the dining table.
Full Of Envelopes

Steven wasn’t sure if the suitcase was meant for him, but when he got closer, he noticed his name written on it. He realized it was Elly’s doing because he recognized her handwriting.
As soon as he opened the suitcase, he found it filled with lots of little envelopes…
Tasks Steven Had Done

Steven randomly chose an envelope. It said “For getting groceries”. After that, he picked a few more envelopes. They said “For fixing the gutter”, “For cleaning the kitchen”, and “For taking her for a walk”. These were all things that Steven had done for Elly and Peter throughout the years.
They Are Filled With Money!

But here’s the exciting part. Inside every envelope, there was some money! The bills varied from 10 to 20 to even 50 pounds at times! After Steven opened and counted all of them, he realized it added up to around 15,000 dollars!
Calling Elly

Still feeling partially shocked, Steven made the decision to give Elly another call. To his astonishment, she answered the phone this time! Elly clarified that he had actually deserved all of this for the past 2 years but had never acknowledged it. Hence, this was her method of repaying Steven for his generosity and assistance.
Steven In Tears

Steven was so overwhelmed with emotions that he couldn’t help but cry. This money was going to completely transform his life. Not only that, but he felt an immense sense of relief knowing that Elly was safe and sound. With the money, Steven planned to relocate to Anchorage and find himself a new apartment there.
Turning His Life Around

After building a stable foundation, Steven completely changed his life for the better. He found a job pretty quickly and steadily moved up in his career. He also met his girlfriend shortly after and they are now living together and excitedly thinking about starting a family.
Still Owning The House

Over time, his relationship with his parents got better, and now he visits them almost every month. Whenever he’s in town, he makes sure to stop by Elly’s house and take care of any repairs that are needed. He still owns the house and has rented it out to a local couple who are starting their own family there.
Seeing Elly Again

Steven wanted to meet Elly once more before she died. He went to visit her in the retirement home about 6 months after she had given him the house and money.
No matter how many times he called, he had to thank her in person at least once. She was the person who had changed his life forever.
Remember, this story is made up and meant for fun. The characters and events are created by the author’s imagination. The pictures shown are only for illustration.